September 2018 Bassett Show
We had a great show at Bassett Place on Saturday, September 22. Thanks to all able to come out and participate. Almost 20 members showed came and displayed their work or helped with the event.
Thanks to Steve Herrera of Bassett Place and David Lockhart, Director of Local Chapters IPMS/USA for enabling us to present what was our approximately 54th annual display there.
We had several outstanding presentations on the tables. Unfortunately, Roy Lingle, Joseph Roper, and Michael Drapes were unable to attend. They were sorely missed.
What was the Best?
Every person received compliments from those who spent time looking at the displays. Many stopped to look, ask questions, and comment on what was shown. It was great to be located in a main traffic lane and out on the mall. We had at least four people displaying an interest to join our group. In fact, three were given the September issue of The GLUE, which I took to give to the membership.
In no particular order, following are some comments about each individual that showed or worked at the event.
Duane Velasquez had a very nice display of Missiles and X-planes. Thanks to Dixi Fischer for working for Duane so that he could display and stay for the day at the event.
Jim Davis had a nice display of Air Racers in 1/32nd scale and in 1/72nd scale.
Mike Garcia had his usual gigantic display to show. Mike places national flags on the table and places pertinent models of each nation on it flag, with many nice models, displayed in a colorful fashion.
Kai Garcia had a number of Science fiction models to show with one made from wood and an At-At Walker from the Star Wars series.
Bill Coster, Vice President of the club for many years had an outstanding selection of Science Fiction models to show; I did not count the number of models in his display but he had at least 200 different space ships from several TV shows and movies as well as other weapons from the movies. Bill also had the only car model shown, if you count the Model T’s and buses in David Torres’s display as military equipment. Bill had a few of his 1/35th armor kits on display.
Rick Wongsong had a selection of models in 1/32nd scale, and 1/48th scale. He had a CH-53 helicopter, a series from the Vietnam War aircraft and some World War II models.
Lucas Whittington had a series of wargaming models to show. There were at least a couple hundred in his display. All were outstanding. We wish Luke the best as he is retiring and leaving El Paso for Georgia.
Richard Macias had several aircraft in at least two different scales. His display was made up of modern jets and some World War II fighters.
David Torres had a very nice display of World War I models that included figures, tanks, buses and other models of the period. David has spent several years working on his display, a tribute to the World War I Centennial.
Michael Kennedy had an aircraft display in 1/48th scale. Several were conversions to earlier types or proto-types of aircraft.
Salvador Samaniego brought some armor and aircraft in several different scales from 1/32nd down to /72nd.
Jack Calloway brought a Work in Progress of a Douglas F-4D.
Roger Gutierrez came but did not display; however, he stayed and helped with the take down.
Clifford Bossie came by and visited and offered his support to the folks that displayed their work.
Arthur Berwick came by but did not bring any models in to show.
John Estes brought the tables, bases and covers so that we could display. Jim Davis helped load and unload the tables at the storage unit. We will not mention that Jim had to wait while John went to get the key to open the barn after the event.
Our Members
On this site are many pictures of member's aircraft, ships, armored vehicles, and larger images of our members that were taken at the event. On this page are some of our members who were at the show.